Sunday, February 19, 2012

Doggy gate

Our two dogs, Charlie and Margaret, pee on the floor when we leave them alone, so we gate them into the kitchen. A visiting dog ate one of the gates. We can't face replacing it (because my husband AJ thinks he can fix it) so we have it closed with a lanyard and two cat-eaten man crocks.


Dawn White said...

Now that's resourceful! Also ghetto stylin'! At what point does it tip from one to the other?

Ben Sonquist said...

Those were the best baby/doggy gates you've ever had. Right up until they broke. Maybe you could reinforce the gate with pieces from the twelfth chair and that way they could both live on.

BTW I'm announcing this as the first reader appreciation week on my blog ( and since you have been one of the few commenters to date I'll say thank you right here. Thank you.

jklsieve said...

OMG! I'm loving this blog. Love all the post so far, and I can't stop seeing ALL of the fabulous Ghetto Stylin stuff in my own yard and house. Wooo Hoooo

I'm trying to post my first ghetto stylin photo of the BB Hoop and backboard on my garage. Been there forever... Nice and rusty and hangy, love the big chunk out of the backboard.... from My husband backing the P & S trailer into it several hundred times. Gave him a brand new net for his birthday. Last December. Ghetto Stylin baby.

jklsieve said...
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